Exercise as therapy: its surprising potential to treat people with multiple chronic conditions

Exercise as therapy: its surprising potential to treat people with multiple chronic conditions

“Hundreds of millions of people of all ages worldwide live with two or more chronic conditions – commonly defined as multimorbidity. Those living with it are found to have poorer physical and mental health, higher risk of being admitted to hospital, and higher risk of dying prematurely compared to people with only one chronic condition.”

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High-intensity workouts may put regular gym goers at risk of rhabdomyolysis, a rare but dangerous condition

High-intensity workouts may put regular gym goers at risk of rhabdomyolysis, a rare but dangerous condition

“If you’re a gym regular, you’re probably familiar with the feeling of achey or sore muscles a day or two after overdoing it slightly during your workout. But while this is common – and normal – pushing your body to do more than it’s capable of could result in a dangerous condition called rhabdomyolysis.”

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