/THE RMT EDUCATION PROJECT: Evidence Based Resources for Massage Therapists
The Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice suggests that it takes seventeen years for new research to be implemented into clinical practice - seventeen years! Have you heard massage therapist talk about breaking adhesion? Seventeen years may be an accurate assessment. Staying up to date with the latest research is a time consuming task. The RMT Education Project offers a new approach to information dissemination, by offering curated list of open access articles for massage therapists.
The RMT Education Project
In the past ten years massage therapy has exploded into mainstream health care, these changes to the profession have led to a need to adapt to an evidence informed model of care - ‘evidence informed massage’. In this model of health-care, therapists are aware of emerging evidence and integrate this new information into their clinical practice in a timely manner.
With the emergence of evidence informed massage it is more important than ever to be able to access timely research articles. Most articles indexed on PubMed are behind a paywall, and without an academic affiliation, massage therapists have limited access. However, in the last ten years there has been a growth in the open access publishing model that provides immediate, barrier-free access to the full text of research articles.
Open access articles have been published on a wide variety of topics, The RMT Education Project is an online resource where massage therapists access a curated list of open access articles, this serves as a starting point in the development of a body of knowledge that massage therapists can use to guide an evidence informed practice.
Bridging The research gap
The RMT Education Project attempts to simplify the complex - breaking down information dense research into manageable chunks. If you are looking for a somewhere to start, check out the ‘Curated Content’ page or browse through ‘The Research Countdown Series’.
The Research Countdown
• 10 Articles All Massage Therapists Should Read
• 9 Open Access Articles All Massage Therapists Should Read
• 8 Researchers Who Are Changing Massage Therapy
Open Access Tools & Resources
• Curated Resources for Massage Therapists
• Open Access Research Papers
• Resources for Patients
Research Review
• A New Muscle: The Tensor Vastus Intermedius
• Pleasure Receptors Response to Massage
• Does Fascia Release
• Evidence Informed Massage