The Limitation of a Biomechanical Model of Massage Therapy

The Limitation of a Biomechanical Model of Massage Therapy

As the body of evidence to support the use of massage therapy continues to grow, articulating the science behind what we do will help build rapport and facilitate incoming physician referrals. This post is an excellent opportunity to look into the therapeutic mechanisms of massage.

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Does Massage Therapy Work?

Does Massage Therapy Work?

Massage therapy should no longer be considered a luxury, it is a non-pharmacological therapeutic intervention supported by current best practice guidelines from the Canadian Medical Association and the American Medical Association.

Now is the time to work with our respective associations to integrate the latest research evidence into our practice

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A selection of articles that upend conventional wisdom about rehabilitation and pain

A selection of articles that upend conventional wisdom about rehabilitation and pain

In this post I have to put together a resource page featuring a number of health science articles featured popular journals and websites. I invite you to explore some of these resources then take the information and share it with your personal learning network to promote the benefits of massage therapy.

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Open Access Case Reports for Massage Therapists

Open Access Case Reports for Massage Therapists

If you are a massage therapist who is interested in reading massage therapy research, PubMed is a great resource but most massage therapists do not have academic access to journals. 

This is not the only barriers to entry, sorting through the data is like drinking from a fire-hose, if you search Massage therapy on PubMed you will get nearly 14,000 returns. If you are looking to learn more about massage therapy research I have put together a list of open access case reports.

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