Free Educational Resources for Massage Therapists

Free Educational Resources for Massage Therapists

The RMT Education Project is an initiative that is working to promote the benefits of massage therapy to an international audience. In this post I have to put together curated selection of videos, articles, and podcasts that will help massage therapists establish an online presence and grow their personal learning network.

If you find the resources helpful I invite you to share it online.

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Best YouTube Channels for Massage Therapists in 2020

Best YouTube Channels for Massage Therapists in 2020

The RMT Education Project is an initiative that is working to promote the benefits of massage therapy to an international audience. This post is a list of ten YouTube channels that massage therapist can use to grow their personal learning network.

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How Massage Therapy Students Can Continue to Learn From Home

How Massage Therapy Students Can Continue to Learn From Home

The RMT Education Project is an initiative that is working to promote the benefits of massage therapy to an international audience. In this post I have to put together a selection of educational resources that students can use to supplement in-class lessons

If you find the resources helpful I invite you to share it with your personal learning network.

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Open Access Case Reports for Massage Therapists

Open Access Case Reports for Massage Therapists

If you are a massage therapist who is interested in reading massage therapy research, PubMed is a great resource but most massage therapists do not have academic access to journals. 

This is not the only barriers to entry, sorting through the data is like drinking from a fire-hose, if you search Massage therapy on PubMed you will get nearly 14,000 returns. If you are looking to learn more about massage therapy research I have put together a list of open access case reports.

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Research Review: Neural Mobilization

Research Review: Neural Mobilization

Non-pharmacological therapeutic interventions are being embraced by the medical community because they are simple to carry out, economical, and have relatively minor side effects.

One treatment approach that can be used as part of an individualized multi-modal program to manage persistent pain is neural mobilizations.

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