Nerve Mobilization Techniques

Nerve Mobilization Techniques

A recent meta-analysis published in The Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy suggests that nerve mobilztions may be useful for patients with back, neck and foot pain.

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What is Myofascial Release?

What is Myofascial Release?

There is evidence that myofascial release is an effective technique for a number of injuries. However, when it comes to anything fascia related the professional community is divided. For most massage therapist scientific literature can be hard to access and time consuming to stay current with so, with some of the research and reading I've done, I wanted to dispel myths and simplify research.

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What is a Concussion?

What is a Concussion?

The most commonly reported symptoms are occipital headache, blurry vision, nausea, dizziness, balance problems, a “foggy feeling,” difficulty with concentration, difficulty with memory, fatigue, confusion, drowsiness, and irritability. 

Image Credit: Andreas Vesalius' Fabrica, published in 1543, showing the base of the human brain, including optic chiasma, cerebellum, olfactory bulbs, etc.

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