Why do you feel like you’re falling when you go to sleep?

Why do you feel like you’re falling when you go to sleep?

"It should be one of the most relaxing times of the day. You climb into bed, get comfortable and cosy, start to feel your brain slowing down … and then suddenly you experience a shocking falling sensation. It’s like you misjudged the number of stairs you were walking down, leaving your leg in mid air for just a bit longer than you expected. Not pleasant."

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Scienceploitation: How social media can distort and misinform when communicating science

Scienceploitation: How social media can distort and misinform when communicating science

"Scienceploitation is embodied in especially egregious “click-bait” headlines. Think the Huffington Post erroneously equating a glass of red wine to an hour at the gym, or the viral hoax study that linked eating chocolate with losing weight."

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The Importance of Contextual Effects in Massage

The Importance of Contextual Effects in Massage

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have probably heard of the biopsychosocial model as a new paradigm for understanding disease, pathology and rehabilitation. George Engel coined this term in 1977, but it has gained more traction in recent decades. Like most new concepts, it blends old ideas with new information and rebrands it under new name. As you can see by the name, there are three aspects to this assessment/treatment model- the biological, the psychological, and the social aspect. 

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Health Check: are growing pains real?

Health Check: are growing pains real?

"There is no single diagnostic test for growing pains. As a result, it continues to be diagnosed more by exclusion than inclusion of symptoms. Namely: intermittent (non-persistent) aches of muscles (not joints) in both legs presenting later in the day or evening (disappearing by morning) in an otherwise healthy child generally between the age of three and 12 years. There are usually no abnormal findings on physical exam, imaging and lab investigations."

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Concussions and kids: know the signs

Concussions and kids: know the signs

"Head trauma is a major public health concern in the United States, with indirect and direct health-care costs approaching nearly US$1 billion annually. Worse, head trauma also can cause short- and long-term health problems and, in children, problems with academics, headaches and behavioral health issues."

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