The Skin is a Very Important Organ...

The Skin is a Very Important Organ...

"Not only does the skin hold everything in, it also plays a crucial role in providing an airtight, watertight and flexible barrier between the outside world and the highly regulated systems within the body. It also helps with temperature regulation, immune defence, vitamin production, and sensation."

Image Credit: By Madhero88 and M.Komorniczak - CC BY-SA 3.0,

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Brief Research Notes: Nerve Sensitivity

Brief Research Notes: Nerve Sensitivity

This open access article provides an overview of simple palpation techniques to identify mechanosensitivity/ tactile allodynia of peripheral and segmental nervous system sensitization.

Schmid, A. B., Brunner, F., Luomajoki, H., Held, U., Bachmann, L. M., Künzer, S., & Coppieters, M. W. (2009). Reliability of clinical tests to evaluate nerve function and mechanosensitivity of the upper limb peripheral nervous system. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.

Peripheral nerve palpation points (Schmid et al. 2009).

Peripheral nerve palpation points (Schmid et al. 2009).

What we know, don’t know and suspect about what causes motor neuron disease

What we know, don’t know and suspect about what causes motor neuron disease

"Since 2014, the ice bucket challenge, which involves people pouring a bucket of icy water over their heads, has raised awareness and much-needed research funds for motor neuron disease. While research for a cure is underway, first we need to know what causes it."

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