Traumatic muscle fibrosis: From pathway to prevention

Traumatic muscle fibrosis: From pathway to prevention

This is a great research paper follow up to my last post - Sports Massage - The Science is Emerging. My last post was a brief look at the psychological & physiological responses to massage therapy.

In this post I wanted to share some excerpts from a recent review of traumatic muscle fibrosis published in The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. This paper may provide some insights for therapists wanting to learn more about the interconnected adaptive responses within the nervous system and soft tissue structures. 

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Forget the gym in January - exercise snacking is the way forward

Forget the gym in January - exercise snacking is the way forward

"The NHS recommends that we do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise a week, plus some strength training. Gyms have both the equipment (aerobic and weight training) and the convenience (you can fit a session in during your lunch break) to make them seem like the obvious choice for reaching that NHS target. What many people don’t realise is that taking one or two sessions of exercise a week can’t make up for the damage done by sitting down a lot in between."

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What you need to know to understand risk estimates

What you need to know to understand risk estimates

"Interpreting health (or any other) risk estimates reported in the media is not straightforward. Even health professionals can get tripped up trying to make sense of these statistics, so it is no wonder the public can easily be confused or misled."

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How we can change our body shape with exercise

How we can change our body shape with exercise

"Once we reach adulthood, our bone structure and proportions are largely fixed. Essentially, the length of your collar bones versus the size of your pelvis, and the length of your body compared to the length of your legs are big factors in determining proportions and aesthetic beauty."

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