What happens to your body when you’re dehydrated?

What happens to your body when you’re dehydrated?

By the time you feel thirsty your body is already dehydrated; our thirst mechanism lags behind our actual level of hydration.

"Research shows that as little as 1% dehydration negatively affects your mood, attention, memory and motor coordination. Data in humans is lacking and contradictory, but it appears that brain tissue fluid decreaseswith dehydration, thus reducing brain volume and temporarily affecting cell function."

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The extraordinary science of sweat

The extraordinary science of sweat

"As a species, over short distances, we are hopeless runners. We might be able to go a long way but what use is that if we can’t catch anything? The truth is that we never could if it weren’t for several factors that make us identifiably human. And it is our ability to perspire which renders them all effective. So we may have perfect bodies for distance running, but those features that enable us to move so effectively are useless without correct temperature control."

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Free Continuing Education for Massage Therapists

Free Continuing Education for Massage Therapists

I have spent that last half a year collecting resources for massage therapists and, here is a compilation of open access evidence based resources for massage therapists.  

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What happens to your skin when you get sunburnt?

What happens to your skin when you get sunburnt?

"Sunburn is a radiation burn, caused when the ultraviolet (UV) rays of sunlight damage DNAin the upper layer of skin cells. The sun emits three kinds of UV radiation – UVA, B and C. UVC is mostly absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere, but UVA and B rays reach the ground and can penetrate unprotected skin. UVB penetrates the epidermis, the top layer of the skin, while UVA goes deeper."

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