What is Cupping?

What is Cupping?

Cupping is a technique where a vacuum is created in a cup, drawing the skin up into the cup decompressing the layers of the epidermis and subcutaneous superficial fascia. Cupping has been practiced in most cultures in one form or another throughout history but the true origin of cupping therapy remains uncertain. Cupping is a technique where a vacuum is created in a cup, drawing the skin up into the cup decompressing the layers of the epidermis and subcutaneous superficial fascia. Cupping has been practiced in most cultures in one form or another throughout history but the true origin of cupping therapy remains uncertain. Some may not realize the widespread use of the technique, in 1900 John Harvey Kellogg wrote about 'dry cupping' in The Home Handbook of Domestic Hygiene and Rational Medicine stating...

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Myofascial Triggerpoints: What has changed?

Myofascial Triggerpoints: What has changed?

As healthcare professionals, I think that it is important that we continue to strive for explanations that are in line with the current scientific understanding of how the body works. So, I was surprised to find out that nearly three decades after the publication of The Trigger Point Manual by David Simons and Janet Travell, there are still many questions about myofascial triggerpoints and the role they play in myofascial pain syndrome, that remain to be answered.

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Does Fascia Release?

Does Fascia Release?

How do you explain the effects of myofascial release?

There is evidence that myofascial release is an effective technique for a number of injuries. However, when it comes to anything fascia related the professional community is divided with fundamentalist views on both sides. With some of the research and reading I’ve done, I have wanted to dispel myths and simplify research.

Is the name myofascial release is better used as an analogous term to describe a palpable change in tissue texture that is likely due to many overlapping responses?

  • The Contextual Response
  • The Neurological Response
  • The Mechanical Response
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Is a fascial densification the same thing as fibrosis?

Is a fascial densification the same thing as fibrosis?

 The last few weeks I have been working on a blog post for Jamie Johnston a RMT from British Columbia who runs a blog for massage therapists. The post will be on the fascial system, specifically myofascial release. For my post today I will be featuring a small excerpt from this upcoming blog post. The rest of the article will be posted to the Massage Therapist Development Centre later in the week.

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